MAR-CO Stone Products offer a wide range of applications. Look for these icons next to our products for recommended uses in your landscaping project.
Generally consists of smaller crushed stone or peastone products less than one inch in size. These stones are ideal for creating a surface suitable for driving or walking, however it can also be used to create a casual landscape bedding. These products are relatively inexpensive and are easier to install.
Longer lasting aggregate that require less maintenance. Unlike using a wood mulch product in your beds, these stones don't need to be re-applied each year since they don't decompose and stone does not encourage fungal growth. The heavier stone is able to be cleaned using a blower and it won't wash away on a sloped area.
For pond use, we often suggest a naturally shaped stone, not crushed. The smooth edges protect your pond liner from tears.
This stone product is used to protect and hold in place the rooftop membrane on flat roofs. Some white stones are solar reflectant which reduces the heat build up on the roof and lowers cooling costs.
These aggregates are lighter than traditional stones and can be used in situations where weight can be e detriment.